NOTE: When I was growing up, my dad was a butcher. He would bring my mom a big bucket of crushed ice, and she would make Italian Lemon Ice. She would squeeze a dozen lemons and add sugar. She would then scrape in some lemon zest, and we were all set to sip the goodness. I have made the recipe with a little less work, but still with great flavor. Of course, if don’t mind the work, make it mom’s way. Enjoy!

Pure delight!
- 1 gallon crushed ice
- 1 large can frozen lemonade
- juice of 2 lemons
- 1 cup sugar, more or less for taste
- maraschino cherries
Cuisine: Italian
Yield: 32 half-cup servings
- Mix all ingredients together and serve in clear party cups or glasses. Garnish each glass with a maraschino cherry. This recipe can be multiplied to fit a large cooler for your day in the park. Cups of lemon ice can also be made ahead and kept in freezer until ready to serve. Makes about 32 half-cup servings