Chipotle Wraps with Black Bean & Corn Salsa
Here we are in one of the hottest month of the year…July, and I have noticed that gallons of lemonade, tea, Gatorade, and plain old bottles of water are flying off the shelves at the grocery.
The water parks are loaded with kids, and the back yard sprinklers are almost always on.
So, what do we eat, or even feeling like eating, when the weather is like a living sauna? Five of my grandsons have just recently spent the week with me, and I don’t remember cooking so may hot dogs, popping in pizzas and cooking up massive amounts of macaroni and cheese. We also made s’mores, went through a ton of popsicles, and of course making their favorite root beer floats.
Noticing that the above menu was strictly attractive to teenage boys, I felt a bit remorseful feeding them “junk food.” Yes, I did fix them some wonderful meals along the way, but I must admit, it was a lot easier to just boil up hot dogs, after being out in the “tropics.”
That’s when I decided…how about the wraps? Wow! Why didn’t I think about these earlier? Kids, adults, and most everybody else, loves wraps. I call them summer fun wraps. Just take a bunch of soft tortillas and fill them with most anything that comes to mind. Take the deli wraps, for instance. These feature wonderful shaved deli ham, turkey, or even roast beef. Lay the tortilla on your counter and spread your favorite salad dressing over the top. Then proceed to have fun. Any combination of vegetables, cheeses, lettuce types, and even chips will roll up to be a summer delight.
Sro, get the kids involved, and make up a tray of several different types of wraps. These are also wonderful for any outdoor parties this time of year…socials, teas, and for every kind of informal occasion. Be sure to try out the Chipotle Wraps…full of your Mexican favorites!
Happy Summer, and “That’s A Wrap.”
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