Mother’s Day Cake – Beautiful Banana Cake w/Candied Walnuts
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the hard-working, talented, unrelenting, driven and determined mothers, who day after day, keep the house, prepare meals, counsel kids, plead with teacher’s…while many work their secular jobs, and last but not least, keep their hubby’s happy.
Wow! No wonder Mother’s Day could be one of the most celebrated days of the year! Especially, if we in fact, had a loving mother who really desired the best outcome for us, her children.
A lot will be said this Mother’s Day about the sacrifices, the investments, and all of the hoop-la one can come up with, to describe the “perfect” mother.
I would just like to say, no one is perfect, save Christ Jesus, the Lord. However, the Bible tells us that he who strives to be perfect, is accounted worthy. So, what then is the “perfect” mother? I can tell you this: it is not the mother that can lavish us with gifts, or the one who is the best cook, nor the one who keeps the cleanest house, nor the one who is the most organized. Rather, it is the mother, that in all her imperfection, cherishes and loves her child, and instills into her child the greatest love anyone can experience; the love of God.
Abraham Lincoln said this of his mother, “I remember my mother’s prayers, and they have clung to me all my life.”
I must agree with Lincoln. My mother was not perfect, but one thing she modeled before me were her prayers. She would rise early each morning, and we could hear her pray by her bed. She wanted to assure God that she would keep the Christian faith, and raise her children to be moral upright people, who had respect for themselves as well as for others.
She would tell me so many times that I would make mistakes, have regrets, and sometimes fall off the path, but to always remember that God was with me, and that He loved me. This has been my model, and the one thing I hope that my children can remember of me is that I have and will continue to pray for them.

Mother’s Day Cake – Beautiful Banana Cake w/Candied Walnuts
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