Strawberry Ice Cream Cookie Cake
As I say in so many of these newsletters, here we are observing yet another holiday. Wasn’t it just last week when we were honoring all the mothers? And right before that we all wore our hats to church celebrating Easter. At this rate, we will be picking out a turkey for Thanksgiving in no time flat.
While the days keep on flying by, one thing is for sure, most everyone looks forward to Memorial Day. It is the one holiday that officially opens up summer, cranks up the grills, and breaks out family reunions by the truck-load. School is out, the kids are home, and mom’s and dad’s head for the parks.
But I wonder how many really know what Memorial Day stands for. I think we have all planned for the fun, but if we are not careful, we will forget the meaning of “memorial.” This is clearly a day when we should remember our veterans. When I think about the countless men and women who served in our armed forces to protect my freedom, preserve the constitution, and put their lives in harm’s way for our American values, it makes me want to stand up and wave the American flag in each of their names.
Many of you can relate to this thought, because you have had fathers, husbands, sons, maybe daughters, who have served so proudly in their choice of service.
I can remember my brother at the young age of 18 years old joining the Navy. I was only 7 years old at the time, but I can still hear my mother praying at night for his safe return. He did return, and made us all happy and proud at the same time.
Maybe your loved one did not return, or perhaps he or she was injured during their time of service. My uncle who served in World War 11, was maimed and had to continue in life with the absence of his left leg. However he learned to cope with his prosthesis, and never complained or had regrets. These are the heroes among us, and so deserve our heart-felt thanks.
This Memorial Day, sit down with your children before the festivities begin, and remind them of our veterans, talk about the wars they fought in, and let them know the price these men and women paid, so that we could be free.
Be sure to make the star dessert: Strawberry Ice Cream Cookie Cake. God bless and enjoy the holiday.
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