First Things First

With New Years’ Resolutions flying around everywhere, it would be easy to fall into the same old set of the yearly wishes. You know, loose weight, start the exercise program, organize my life, save money, travel more, and of course, keep the daily journal to…

A Charlie Brown Christmas

A Charlie Brown Christmas

Orchestrating a large Christmas Banquet the other evening was a lot of fun for me. The crowd seemed energized, and ready for good food and fun. The sweater contest was embraced with folks wearing the ugliest, the most unique, and the flashiest. Sweaters were lit…

Fall for Love

Opening my door this morning, I was met with a blast of very cool air, enough so, that I went back in for my soft warm jacket. Cappuccino, my Shih-Tzu, was wondering why the delay in his daily morning walk. I explained that it was…

My Favorite Easter Memory

Somewhere in the early 1950’s I would have been about 8 years old. My mother, who loved to sew, was busy at her sewing machine making me a beautiful Easter dress. As it was shaping up, and time for the finishing touches, I can remember…

Take A Walk

Greetings everyone! I must tell you that 2018 came in with a bang of sickness for Bill and me. Maybe it was too much Christmas, too many cookies, and too many demands all piled up in a few weeks’ time. I have to say I…

Memories of Dad

As you know, I have written many times about my Dad, and all the unique traits he possessed. His life, his personality, and all the funny things he did, could fill enough pages to produce a volume of books. He truly was a “character,” and…

My Honey, My Husband

My Honey, My Husband

Hi Everybody! Well here we are again, approaching the Love Day, Valentine’s. I really think this day is overly commercialized. And, while I love all of the attention my husband renders, I can’t help but to think this is another version of Mother’s Day. Think…

Mexican Tonight?

Hey everybody…what’s for supper? Did you know that of the three meals a day that most of us take in, we never ask….” what’s for breakfast?” Or, “what’s for lunch?” No, whether we are at work, or school, or just out and about, the question…

Daddy’s Girl

With Father’s Day right around the corner, we once again remember all of the funny things that come to mind concerning dads. You can read them on many of the Father’s Day cards. Things like: “Don’t tell your mother I let you do this.” Or,…

My Mother’s Prayers

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the hard-working, talented, unrelenting, driven and determined mothers, who day after day, keep the house, prepare meals, counsel kids, plead with teacher’s…while many work their secular jobs, and last but not least, keep their hubby’s happy. Wow! No wonder…