How To Order Cookbooks

Hi There! So glad you have inquired on how to orderRosalie Serving Countryand/orRosalieServing Italiancookbooks. These books are wonderful, and I know you will enjoy them greatly. First, if you are into EBooks, and you love to carry your Nook, Kindle, or any other electronic device you so love, feel free to order in this way. You can get both cookbooks on EBooks.

TheRosalie Serving Italiancookbook, hard copy, is currently out of print, although you may check with your nearby Barnes & Noble where you still may find a copy. Look for my newRosalieServing Best Loved Italian cookbookto be published in early summer of 2014.

On the other hand, if you love a “real” cookbook to set on your counter, than by all means, order theRosalie Serving Countrycookbook directly from me: Rosalie Fiorino Harpole, 58 Madden Road, Troy, MO. 63379. This bookis $24.95 plus tax &s/h which bringsit up to: $29.00. Pleasemake checks to Rosalie Serving Cookbooks, Inc. Also, let me know if you want your book personalized by sending the name or names you prefer included in the signing.Your book will be in the mail in no time.

Italian Cookbook

Rosalie Serving Italian

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Barnes & Noble Nook Book
Amazon Kindle Book
Country Cookbook

Rosalie Serving Country

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Barnes & Noble Hardcover Book
Barnes & Noble Nook Book
Amazon Hardcover Book
Amazon Kindle Book