Gym It Up

After gaining 15 pounds, and spiraling upward, I have decided to gym it up. Two classes back to back this morning left me feeling like a wet noodle, and really decrepit! First, the Pump-It-Up class, where everyone throws weights around like small twigs off a…

Rattle Me Young

Rattle Me Young   I am a very busy person, and for that I am grateful. I say this because if I weren’t so hyperactive, driven, determined, and just plain crazy, I guess I would just give up and go to be with Jesus. Notwithstanding,…

Memorial Day – May 25, 2015

As I say in so many of these newsletters, here we are observing yet another holiday. Wasn’t it just last week when we were honoring all the mothers? And right before that we all wore our hats to church celebrating Easter. At this rate, we…

My Fondest New Year’s Eve

  From every culture, tradition, or even made-up- fun right on the spot, people in every country in their own way celebrate the revelation of time marching on to a new year. Whether you spend New Year’s Eve in the Big Apple on 5th Avenue…

Consider the Begonia

If you love flowers you have to consider the angel wing begonia. It is one of the easiest plants to grow, provided you have them in a part shade, part sun location. I plant them in big flower pots, and display them on my porch….

A Cake for Easter

With Easter just around the corner, I was brought back in memory of how much my mother loved this holiday. We would go to church during the weeks leading up to Easter Sunday more than any other time of the year. Mom would always emphasize…


Today is Sunday, and I am thinking back when I was 8 years old. My mother always got up early on Sunday, usually around 5:00 am. It was her ritual to rise early, go to the kitchen and get out her cake of yeast, with…